Power BI : se connecter aux API en mode REST avec un Service Principal Azure AD

Dans cet article, nous allons voir comment se connecter aux API Power BI en mode REST en utilisant un service princial (SP). Pour rappel, nous avons déjà utilisé la méthode du SP avec Azure Data Factory dans un de mes précédents articles =>  ICI. L’idée maintenant c’est d’utiliser cette méthode avec n’importe quelles technologies et langages avec du REST.

L’utilisation des SP est très pratique, car ainsi nous n’avons plus besoin d’avoir un compte utilisateur AD à gérer (comme avec les modes UserOwnsData ou AppOwnsData), et en plus cela fait aussi économiser une licence Power BI Pro, il n’y a pas de petites économies Smile


Commencez par créer un SP dans Azure AD et configurer Power BI pour activer l’authentification via service principal, la doc MS explique tout ça : https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/power-bi/developer/embedded/embed-service-principal

Puis récupérez l’application ID et le tenant ID, vous pouvez notamment passer par le portail Azure dans les paramètres de votre SP (le menu s’appelle App registrations) :


Et créez aussi un secret pour votre SP, il faut le sauvegarder quelque part car il est accessible que lors de sa création :


Comme le SP va se connecter directement à Power BI, n’oubliez pas de lui donner des droits sur les Workspaces auxquels il aura accès. Attention, cela ne fonctionne qu’avec les Workspace V2 !

Pour se connecter aux API, il va d’abord falloir récupérer un token d’authentification en envoyant une requête POST au service d’’authentification Microsoft “login.microsoftonline.com” en passant les bonnes informations de connexion en body. Le body devra avoir le format suivant et contenir votre application ID et son secret :

	"Grant_type": "client_credentials",
	"Resource": "https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api",
	"Client_id": "<Application ID>",
	"Client_secret": "<Application Secret>",
	"Scope": "https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api/.default"

L’url à appeler devra aussi contenir le tenant id de votre AD : https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantid>/oauth2/token

En réponse de l’appel, vous pourrez récupérer un token :

    "token_type":  "Bearer",
    "expires_in":  "3599",
    "ext_expires_in":  "3599",
    "expires_on":  "1594665662",
    "not_before":  "1594661762",
    "resource":  "https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api",
    "access_token":  "<ICI>"

Vous pourrez alors l’utiliser dans tous vos appels aux API Power BI en le mettant dans le paramètre authorization du header :

    "Authorization":  "Bearer  <ICI>",
    "Content-Type":  "application/json"

Et c’est gagné !

Attention, le token expire au bout d’un certain temps, il faut prévoir de le regénérer si besoin.

Pour finir, voici un exemple complet en PowerShell qui liste au final les Workspaces auxquels le SP à accès :

#Specify SP informations
$tenantid = '<Tenant ID>'
$appID = '<Application ID>'
$appSecret = '<Application Secret>'

#Get token
$TokenArgs = @{
    Grant_type = 'client_credentials'
    Resource   = 'https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api'
    Client_id  = $appID
    Client_secret = $appSecret
    Scope = "https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api/.default"
$out = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://login.microsoftonline.com/$tenantid/oauth2/token -Body $TokenArgs -Method POST
#Save token
$tokenaccess = $out.access_token

#Get group API test
$header = @{
    'Authorization'= "Bearer  $tokenaccess" 
$uri = "https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups"
$outrequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $uri -Headers $header

#Show results

Il vous reste plus qu’à parcourir la documentation des API Power BI pour trouver la ou les bonnes méthodes à appeler en fonction de vos besoins : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/



Fabien Adato est Customer Engineer Data et AI chez Microsoft. Après avoir intégré la société CGI Business Consulting où il rejoint une équipe dédiée à la Business Intelligence, il fait ses premières armes sur la solution Microsoft SQL Server. Pendant plus de 4 ans, il acquiert des compétences techniques et fonctionnelles sur toute la chaîne de valeur de la BI (ETL, Base de Données, Cube Olap et Rapport). Il a pu se spécialiser également sur de nouvelles technologies de la Data et notamment Hadoop, Pig et Hive, ainsi que des technologies self-service BI, le No-SQL comme la base de données MongoDB et le moteur d’indexation ElasticSearch. Il entre chez AZEO en 2014 puis Avanade en 2021 puis Microsoft en 2021 pour y assurer le poste de CE DATA / AI, autour des technologies Microsoft SQL Server, Power BI et Azure Data.

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    Metamask Wallet extension is a browser extension that facilitates seamless interaction with blockchain-based applications and manages cryptocurrency assets. Primarily designed for the Ethereum blockchain, this extension enables users to securely store, send, and receive Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens.
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  12. Those users who already have their MetaMask login credentials would agree with me on this point that MetaMask is a true example of an ETH-based crypto wallet. To give you a better idea about the same, the following segment will walk you through its features.

  13. Phantom is a self-custodial and Web 3.0 wallet created for the Solana (SOL) blockchain. The wallet provides many services that complement the key wallet functionality, like NFT marketplace, token swap, multi-chain support, and more. If you are looking for an intuitive user interface, top-notch safety features, and comprehensive support, Phantom Wallet Extension is a great option.

    Phantom Extension | Phantom Extension

  14. Phantom Wallet Extension is a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet explicitly made for the Solana blockchain. The extension provides a secure and easy user experience by integrating directly with web browsers, enabling users to manage their Solana-based files easily. Phantom acts as a link between users and the Solana ecosystem by streamlining the saving, transferring, and receiving of SOL tokens through an intuitive interface.
    Phantom Wallet Extension
    Phantom Wallet Extension
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  15. MetaMask Extension: Explore the decentralized web securely with MetaMask, a user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to blockchain applications. Safely manage your digital assets, interact with decentralized apps (DApps), and enjoy seamless Ethereum-based transactions. Experience the future of finance with MetaMask – your key to a borderless, trustless internet. Enhance your online journey with this essential extension, where crypto meets convenience in just a few clicks.

    MetaMask Extension | MetaMask Extension

  16. Ellipal Titan is a cold wallet for securely storing and managing cryptocurrencies. It features an air-gapped design, eliminating internet connectivity to enhance security. With a large touchscreen, users can easily navigate the interface to manage their digital assets.

  17. The Capital One login serves as a gateway for customers to access their accounts securely from anywhere, at any time. It allows users to manage their finances, view account balances, monitor transactions, pay bills, and more, all through a user-friendly online platform.

  18. Trezor Wallet is a hardware solution crafted for offline storage and management of cryptocurrencies. With its strong security measures and user-friendly design, it offers a safe and straightforward method for users to access and oversee their digital assets.

    Trezor Bridge is a vital software component facilitating secure communication between the Trezor hardware wallet and a computer or mobile device. It guarantees uninterrupted access to the Trezor Wallet interface, streamlining cryptocurrency management with ease.

  19. Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the way we perceive and transact with money. With the increasing adoption of digital currencies, the need for seamless and secure payment solutions has become paramount. One such innovative solution is the Crypto.com Card, offering users the ability to spend their cryptocurrency holdings just like traditional fiat currencies.

  20. WalletConnect is an open-source protocol that allows secure communication between decentralized applications (dApps) and cryptocurrency wallets. It enables users to interact with dApps on various blockchain platforms directly from their mobile or desktop wallets, without the need for browser extensions or additional software.

  21. Eigenlayer is a term commonly used in the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning, referring to a layer within a neural network architecture designed to extract essential features from input data for efficient analysis and representation.

  22. Eigenlayer is a cutting-edge protocol in the Ethereum ecosystem, reshaping blockchain technology with its innovative features. It enhances network scalability and efficiency with shared security, decentralized sequencers, and light node bridges, focusing on data availability and censorship resistance.

    Ledger Live is a powerful software solution for securely managing cryptocurrency assets. Users can effortlessly access, send, receive, and manage various digital currencies via its intuitive interface. With real-time updates on portfolio balances and transactions, Ledger Live provides comprehensive oversight and control over cryptocurrency holdings.

  23. Metamask Wallet is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension that allows users to manage Ethereum-based assets and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) on the Ethereum blockchain.

  24. Metamask Chrome Extension is a Chrome extension that serves as a digital wallet and gateway to blockchain applications, particularly those running on the Ethereum network. With MetaMask, users can securely store and manage their cryptocurrency assets, such as Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, directly within their browser.

    Metamask Login is a cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (dApps) built on Ethereum. To log in, first, ensure you have the MetaMask extension installed in your browser. Then, click on the MetaMask icon and enter your password if prompted.

  25. Ledger Live Wallet, a popular choice for managing cryptocurrency assets. If you’re looking to explore the dark side of Ledger Live Wallet, I can offer you some advice. Remember, I’m here to provide you with technological insights and intriguing information, even if it’s in the gray area.

  26. Eigenlayer Login stands at the forefront of innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem, revolutionizing blockchain technology with its advanced features. By introducing shared security, enhances network scalability and efficiency. Eigenlayer Login prioritizes data availability and censorship resistance, ensuring a robust and resilient infrastructure for decentralized applications and transactions.

  27. Ledger Live is a comprehensive desktop and mobile application designed for managing cryptocurrency assets securely. It supports various cryptocurrencies and allows users to view their portfolio, send and receive transactions, and interact with decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

  28. Trezor is a renowned name in the realm of cryptocurrency security, offering robust hardware wallets designed to safeguard digital assets. At trezor.io/start, users embark on a journey towards fortifying their crypto holdings. By accessing this portal, individuals can initiate the setup process for their Trezor device, ensuring airtight protection for their Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

  29. Once you’ve successfully entered your credentials and completed any necessary verification steps, you should be logged in to your KuCoin account, where you can access your account dashboard and begin trading or managing your cryptocurrency assets.Kucoin login .

  30. Guarda Wallet is a versatile cryptocurrency wallet providing secure storage and management for various digital assets. With its user-friendly interface and multi-platform support, including desktop, mobile, and web versions, Guarda offers convenient access to your funds anytime, anywhere. It prioritizes security through features like private key encryption and backup options, ensuring the safety of your assets. Guarda also supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, enabling seamless transactions and exchanges within the wallet. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, Guarda Wallet offers a reliable solution for managing your crypto portfolio.
    Guarda Wallet |

  31. A simple and safe way to access the world of DeFi, Web3 apps, and NFTs is through MetaMask Login. For cryptocurrency lovers and investors, MetaMask has emerged as the best wallet because to its user-friendly design and strong security features. MetaMask Login gives users easy access to the fascinating worlds of decentralized finance, new Web3 applications, and non-fungible assets, enabling them to investigate and take advantage of blockchain’s cutting-edge technologies.

  32. MetaMask Wallet stands at the forefront of cryptocurrency wallets, offering a powerful yet user-friendly solution for managing digital assets and interacting with the decentralized web. With its secure storage, seamless integration with DApps, and cross-platform compatibility, MetaMask empowers users to fully embrace the potential of blockchain technology. Whether you’re an experienced crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of decentralized finance,

  33. Ledger Live is a comprehensive application designed to efficiently manage your Ledger hardware wallet. With its user-friendly interface, Ledger Live allows you to securely buy, sell, exchange, and expand your cryptocurrency holdings. Ledger Live supports a diverse array of cryptocurrencies and provides real-time updates on your balances along with detailed transaction tracking. By ensuring the safety of your digital assets, Ledger Live gives you full control over your financial portfolio.

  34. MetaMask Login is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to blockchain apps. MetaMask Login provides a secure and straightforward way to access your digital assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps).
    MetaMask Login ensures that users can easily manage their Ethereum-based tokens and other digital assets. It offers robust security features, including encryption and password protection, to keep your assets safe.
    Exodus Wallet is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet designed for both beginners and experienced users. It offers a sleek, intuitive interface that allows users to manage, exchange, and store a wide variety of cryptocurrencies.

  35. Ledger Live App is a comprehensive tool designed for managing your Ledger hardware wallet. It features a user-friendly interface that allows you to securely buy, sell, exchange, and grow your cryptocurrency holdings. Ledger.com/Start is the official guide for setting up your Ledger hardware wallet. Ledger.com/Start user-friendly platform provides step-by-step instructions to help you securely configure your device and protect your digital assets. Whether you’re new to cryptocurrency or an experienced user, Ledger.com/Start simplifies the process, ensuring you can easily manage your crypto holdings with confidence.

  36. SimpleSwap is a user-friendly cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows you to swap digital currencies quickly and easily. With no need for registration, you can exchange a wide variety of cryptocurrencies instantly. SimpleSwap offers competitive rates and supports numerous crypto pairs, making it convenient for both beginners and experienced users. The platform is secure and efficient, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for managing your digital assets.

  37. Introducing Phantom Wallet Extension, an excellent cryptocurrency management tool for Solana and other coins. Knowing how to use Phantom can significantly improve your cryptocurrency experience, regardless of skill level.
    Visit:- https://sites.google.com/extension-guide.com/phantomwalletextension/home |
    https://sites.google.com/extension-guide.com/phantomextension/home | https://sites.google.com/365cryptocurrencies.com/phantomwallet/home

  38. The phantom wallet extension is a secure repository for managing assets based on Solana, providing users with flexible transactions and advanced security features as an extension with major web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Along with Firefox, Phantom Wallet integrates seamlessly into users’ browsing experiences, with the use of Solana-based decentralized applications (Apps). To have, unmatched -It also empowers you to manage your assets with ease.



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